imac g3

The iMac G3 is a series of personal computers designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Computer, Inc. from 1998 to 2003. Noted for its innovative enclosure via the use of translucent and brightly colored plastics, it was the first consumer-facing Apple p

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  • After you’ve set up your iMac and followed the onscreen guide to register your computer an...
    iMac G3 (Original) User Manual - Official Apple Support
  • The iMac G3 is a series of personal computers designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Co...
    iMac G3 - Wikipedia
  • 史蒂夫·賈伯斯在1997年成為蘋果公司的臨時執行長後,立即著手於精簡公司龐大而混亂的產品線。蘋果削減了台式Mac產品線上的眾多產品,包括含iMac即時處理器的米色Power Mac...
    iMac G3 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • The six generations of iMac G3 are hard to keep straight, but taught Apple some valuable l...
    iMac G3 Family Tree - YouTube
  • Find great deals on eBay for imac g3 and imac g4. Shop with confidence. ... eBay determine...
    imac g3 | eBay
  • Technical specifications for the iMac G3/233 Original - Bondi (Rev. A & B). Dates sold...
    iMac G3233 Original - Bondi (Rev. A & B) Specs (iMac - ...
  • On May 6, 1998, Steve Jobs took the stage and announced the iMac G3, a consumer counterpar...
    iMac G3: The Macintosh That Saved Apple – 512 Pixels
  • contact options you need for Mac. Open Menu Close Menu Apple Shopping Bag Apple Mac iPad i...
    Mac - Official Apple Support
  • iMac G3 (All-In-One) Power Mac G4 (Mini Tower) The Power Macintosh G3 (also sold with addi...
    Power Macintosh G3 - Wikipedia
  • 強大的 iMac 具備超薄的一體成型設計、亮麗的寬螢幕顯示器、最新處理器與繪圖處理,以及先進的儲存裝置選項。 開啟選單 關閉選單 Apple 購物袋 Apple Mac ...
    購買 iMac - Apple (台灣)